Making Sense Consulting (or Making Sense if too long)

by toometo
  • Project type:Logo
  • Project price:$199
  • Designs received/ordered:4/3
  • Country:Belgium

Making Sense helps SMEs to see clearly in the complicated digital landscape and demystify the ambient buzz. After a quick audit of what they are currently doing in digital and having understood their business model and value chain, I recommend improv...ements or initiatives that I can afterwards follow if necessary: choice of the provider, preparation of the brief, follow-up during the project. In the case of a small enterprise, it can be simple initiatives such as a new website, a small LinkedIn presence, a relevant newsletter. We bring also a deep experience in new business, which can be useful for growth and success. Read more

98% happy customers white stars Total: 1666 reviews
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green star green star green star green star green star
"Toometo is a very talented creative person. He came with a differentiating idea for my logo and was fast to answer my questions and requests. He proposed the logo in context (visit card, key visual) which made like the logo even better. Great experience."

- Catherine

Selection of designs created for Making Sense Consulting (or Making Sense if too long)

Winner, toometo
Finalist, John89
Finalist, AndreaS

Get your Logo project for just

Making Sense Consulting (or Making Sense if too long) stats & timing

3 Designs
3 Finalists
1 Winner
Project started
Day 6
First design uploaded
Day 1
All files received
Day 1
First finalist selected
Day 11
Finalist stage started
Day 15
Winner selected
Day 28
Final files received

Received designs from 4 designers

from: Netherlands, Ireland, Macedonia, Republic of, Macedonia, Republic of

Brand DNA

Fit in the category
Stand out from the crowd

Target audience

Low income
High income
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DesignBro is the online design platform that connects high-quality, professional designers with clients worldwide.

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