Sophia Henry

by d:p
  • Project type:Logo
  • Project price:$199
  • Designs received/ordered:8/3
  • Country:United States

I'd love a branded name. As in, my name font is the exact same on everything. Book covers, website, teasers... (Examples: Jessica Hawkins, Lauren Blakely, Meghan March. I love how the font is same, but the color inside can be changed to match book co...ver) Genre: Contemporary Romance, Mafia, New Adult, Sports, 20th Century Historical (90's) Mood of Brand: I think it's gritty and simple (black & white or gray), but there's humor, silliness and steam (hot pink!). I love sparkle. Whether its pink sparkle or diamond sparkle or galaxy/space. Sparkle is that hint of happiness you can add to lift a mood. That's my brand and personality. Other things to know: I love serif. (Who says that? I know) I'm fine with my author name being a san serif font, because I want to to be bold and simple. But in teasers, or having a secondary font to use--I like pretty. I love cursive and handwriting.  I really love the idea of having a regular log, then a smaller logo with just initials in lower case to use from time to time or for thumbnails. Example: Arell Rivers is really cute. Read more

98% happy customers white stars Total: 1666 reviews
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"Excellent communication, helped with offering requested changes in a timely fashion and effectively."

- Shana

Selection of designs created for Sophia Henry

Winner, d:p
Finalist, Pedro
Finalist, Broodmethod

Get your Logo project for just

Sophia Henry stats & timing

3 Designs
3 Finalists
1 Winner
Project started
Day 4
First design uploaded
Day 2
All files received
Day 2
First finalist selected
Day 6
Finalist stage started
Day 10
Winner selected
Day 10
Final files received

Received designs from 6 designers

from: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Portugal, Brazil, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Portugal, Portugal, Macedonia, Republic of, Australia

Brand DNA

Fit in the category
Stand out from the crowd

Target audience

Low income
High income
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