St. Petersburg Hockey Club

by idstudio
  • Project type:Logo
  • Project price:$199
  • Designs received/ordered:5/3
  • Country:United States

The First Responders of the City of St. Petersburg (Police and Fire Department)have organized an ice hockey club that plan to participate in many upcoming events around the state. These events sponsor charities to benefit both first responders and th...eir families and are played as tournaments that last a few days each. The purpose of these tournaments are not only to raise much needed charitable funds, but also encourage community involvement and build camaraderie among first responders. Our goal is for the first responders to focus on a small black puck and not the stressful situations they deal with on a daily basis Read more

by idstudio
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98% happy customers white stars Total: 1666 reviews
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"Very creative "

- Garth

Selection of designs created for St. Petersburg Hockey Club

Winner, idstudio
Finalist, Pedro
Finalist, Paulo

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St. Petersburg Hockey Club stats & timing

3 Designs
3 Finalists
1 Winner
Project started
Day 1
First design uploaded
Day 3
All files received
Day 3
First finalist selected
Day 3
Finalist stage started
Day 4
Winner selected
Day 5
Final files received

Received designs from 5 designers

from: United States, Portugal, Brazil, Portugal, Thailand

Brand DNA

Fit in the category
Stand out from the crowd

Target audience

Low income
High income
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