Jack The Gorilla

by Rich587
  • Project type:Brand Identity
  • Project price:$577.15
  • Designs received/ordered:10/10
  • Country:Denmark

We are a vegan fitness supplement online retailer. This means protein powder, protein bars, pre-workout etc. We focus on sourcing only the best of the best of products. A gorilla is a beast of an animal that eats only plants, hence the name and why w...e would like to emphasize on that. Read more

98% happy customers white stars Total: 1666 reviews
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"Rich was very professional. Communication was spot on as he was patient and listened to us, while still using his own creativity to a good extent. His effort shows through and he goes to extra mile to describe his actions and provide a clear overview."

- Nasser

Selection of designs created for Jack The Gorilla

Winner, Rich587
By, Anh
By, Pedro
By, d:p
By, AndreaS
By, John89
By, HarryGraphics
By, Nick
By, Anna DS
By, jefferson

Get your Brand Identity project for just $600

Jack The Gorilla stats & timing

10 Designs
3 Finalists
1 Winner
Project started
Day 2
First design uploaded
Day 2
All files received
Day 2
First finalist selected
Day 10
Finalist stage started
Day 16
Winner selected
Day 16
Final files received

Received designs from 10 designers

from: Vietnam, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Republic of, Ireland, Ireland, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Poland, Brazil, Portugal

Brand DNA

Fit in the category
Stand out from the crowd

Target audience

Low income
High income
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