George and the Goat Ltd

by Nick
  • Project type:Logo
  • Project price:$389
  • Designs received/ordered:9/7
  • Country:United Kingdom

The company is a game development company, and the name is a reference to a famous (and extremely difficult) puzzle in a game called Broken Sword. George is the main character of the game, and the puzzle is about a goat. Nonetheless, this is just the... history of the name, the actual logo does not necessarily reference that. The name of the company does not need to be the focus of the logo, I am rather looking for something visual ("visully" playful, maybe related to games). Read more

98% happy customers white stars Total: 1666 reviews
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green star green star green star green star green star
"Just awesome!"

- Timm

Selection of designs created for George and the Goat Ltd

Winner, Nick
Finalist, HarryGraphics
By, Pedro
By, Anh
By, Rich587

Get your Logo project for just

George and the Goat Ltd stats & timing

7 Designs
2 Finalists
1 Winner
Project started
Day 2
First design uploaded
Day 10
All files received
Day 10
First finalist selected
Day 11
Finalist stage started
Day 12
Winner selected
Day 12
Final files received

Received designs from 9 designers

from: Australia, Portugal, United Kingdom, Vietnam, Netherlands, Poland, Ireland, United Kingdom, Sweden

Brand DNA

Fit in the category
Stand out from the crowd

Target audience

Low income
High income
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