
by Anh
  • Project type:Brand Identity
  • Project price:$200
  • Designs received/ordered:1/1
  • Country:Germany

We develop software for exam preparation and cooperate with content producers who want to provide a learn app for their contents. In contrast to Learn Management Software we focus on the niche of exam preparation and provide customized, high quality ...learn apps for our customers. Part of the customization is the adjustment to our customer's CI. Hence, our CI will be seen mostly by our (potential) b2b customers and it will not be used in our apps. Our USP is our intelligent learn system which schedules and choses which contents a user has to review in order to be perfectly prepared at the day of his exam. Fitting adjectives which describe the identity we would like to convey are: smart, individual, intuitive, motivating (fun). Our current logo and the company name have an origin. Our product was initially designed for the training of german psychotherapists. Therefore, we chose the name SIGGI, which is the short form for Sigmund. Sigmund Freud is the founder of the psychoanalysis. His couch on which his patients sat gained popularity as well, which is why we chose the couch as our logo. Since, our business model changed over time, the product name and logo became the name and logo of our (still very young) company. Most people who do not know the story seem to associate the couch with relaxed learning. Read more

98% happy customers white stars Total: 1666 reviews
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"He is a very nice guy :)"

- Malte

Selection of designs created for Siggi

Winner, Anh

Get your Brand Identity project for just $600

Siggi stats & timing

1 Designs
1 Finalists
1 Winner
Project started
Day 1
First design uploaded
Day 1
All files received
Day 1
First finalist selected
Day 14
Finalist stage started
Day 18
Winner selected
Day 18
Final files received

Received designs from 1 designers

from: Vietnam

Brand DNA

Fit in the category
Stand out from the crowd

Target audience

Low income
High income
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