Ripple Property Management

by Anh
  • Project type:Brand Identity
  • Project price:$504
  • Designs received/ordered:11/5
  • Country:Canada

Residential Property management has been very outdated in what it delivers for owners, tenants, and vendors. Our focus on wellbeing, technology, and data allows us to be predictive in current and future needs, and go beyond just providing 4 walls and... a roof for a dollar amount. We look at impacting the lifestyle of everyone we touch and through this creating a ripple effect of lifestyle design. We are fun. We are modern. We are young. We are professionals. We are data driven. We love metrics. We create long term reciprocal relationships. We believe we can change people’s lives through their homes. We see great services and communities in work spaces and co working, and think there should be the same approach to home. We go beyond. When was the last time you loved your property management company? Read more

98% happy customers white stars Total: 1666 reviews
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green star green star green star green star green star
"Very innovative. Was able to see new approaches and understand what we were trying to create. Very responsive. Can't say enough great things."

- Alexes

Selection of designs created for Ripple Property Management

Winner, Anh
By, Pedro
By, virtuoso
By, jefferson
By, d:p

Get your Brand Identity project for just $600

Ripple Property Management stats & timing

5 Designs
3 Finalists
1 Winner
Project started
Day 2
First design uploaded
Day 9
All files received
Day 9
First finalist selected
Day 11
Finalist stage started
Day 21
Winner selected
Day 23
Final files received

Received designs from 8 designers

from: Australia, Portugal, Brazil, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Republic of, Vietnam, Venezuela, Portugal, Venezuela, Portugal, Philippines

Brand DNA

Fit in the category
Stand out from the crowd

Target audience

Low income
High income
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