
by jefferson
  • Project type:Logo
  • Project price:$383.2
  • Designs received/ordered:17/10
  • Country:United States

Buds is a plant-based sandwich shop in SLC that has been serving fast, cheap, and hearty vegan sandwiches as fast as we can make them since 2012. We focus on classic flavors and textures that fill you up to show anyone how easy it can be to choose p...lant based - the buffalo chkn sandwich on a crunchy sourdough hoagie is a top seller. Our space is only 250 square feet so we sell sandwiches out of our window, walk up style, super casual. I'm looking to update our logo to better capture the feel for what we are. We offer a unique product that draws in all types - it's not unusual to see the usual group of skaters/punks/hardcore kids sitting next to a pair of cops or firefighters, or a mom with her teenager, or an elderly couple. We can serve 300 sandwiches per day on a good day and keep getting busier every year. What I'm looking for: Attached is a quick logo I drew off the cuff years ago, and I'm looking for something in the same vein, possibly almost identical. Chisel tip sharpie, urban script, super fast and easy. Casual. Grafitti styled, like it was written somewhere it shouldn't be. Rebellious but friendly. If I were a better artist and knew how to digitize drawings I would've finished it, but alas, I'm not so I'm looking for professional help taking it to where it needs to be. Our sandwiches are $6 and we can make one in 30 seconds, you're going to find something on the menu that sounds good and you're gonna love it. You might even forget it's vegan. Always wrapped to go and you don't even come into our building to get one. Fast, easy, casual, counter-culture that welcomes all is what we are and I'm looking for someone to take my project to the next level to continue showing the community what we're bringing to the table. Read more

by jefferson
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98% happy customers white stars Total: 1666 reviews
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"Quick turnaround and fulfilled everything I asked"

- Alex

Selection of designs created for Buds

Winner, jefferson
Finalist, minhdesigns
Finalist, Broodmethod
By, Paulo
By, kokotyy
By, AndreaS
By, Anh
By, Pedro
By, mcdesigns

Get your Logo project for just

Buds stats & timing

10 Designs
3 Finalists
1 Winner
Project started
Day 1
First design uploaded
Day 4
All files received
Day 4
First finalist selected
Day 11
Finalist stage started
Day 16
Winner selected
Day 21
Final files received

Received designs from 14 designers

from: Australia, United Kingdom, Brazil, United Kingdom, Portugal, Australia, United States, Bosnia and Herzegovina, United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Brazil, Morocco, Netherlands, Venezuela, Macedonia, Republic of, Vietnam, Australia

Brand DNA

Fit in the category
Stand out from the crowd

Target audience

Low income
High income
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